Monday, March 15, 2004

A mouth fulla stitches and a gut fulla Vicodin.

I had my wisdom teeth out on Thursday, and I really have to wonder about dentists these days... apparently, the state of Illinois doesn't allow dentists to put people under anymore. I had to remain awake and listen to teeth cracking with only nitrous and Novocaine to help me through. The meds they gave me (Vicodin and something else) didn't help either.... meaning that they didn't help the pain and they didn't get me smashed. I could have driven. What a waste. At least the parentals got to meet Colin on Saturday and we were able to go to Colleen and Cin's apartment so I could be ceremonially gangbanged at Halo. I never realized that it was possible to suck so badly at a video game. Shit. And I don't have an Xbox, so I can't practice or anything. And me and Colin can hardly hang out this week... he has finals and the one day he has no classes is St. Paddy's, which means he has to go to Colleen and Cin's to play drunken Halo. I can't hang out with him Thursday to nurse him through the ensuing hangover because I'm getting my stitches out. I wonder why I bother to leave the house.

Man, I need a job.


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