Monday, March 22, 2004

Down with dumb broads.

I'm sick of the airhead ho-bags in my jewelry class. They're late every day, yammer on while the teacher's attempting to give instructions to those of us who actually want to learn a thing or two, and when the teacher asks them to be quiet they just laugh. Show some respect, you smelly potheads, she has to deal with wastes like you all damn day. The least you can do is be less of a douche. It's two or three ugly girls, one smelly hippie with macrame chokers that remind me of tribeswomen with those copper coils, and a tiny little emo boy who I seriously thought was a girl the first time I saw him. I could snap this guy in half like a carrot. And one of the girls, the one who never ever shuts the hell up and then asks everybody what to do as if the teacher didn't just explain it three times, is really feckin' ugly. I just thought I'd mention that again. She burns my corneas. She looks like Avril Lavigne twenty years down the line after spending time in the crack-whore industry. She always wears hoodies that smell like bad weed. She smells like bad weed. Her makeup's bad and her hair's greasy and she's a mouth-breather. Her mouth's probably stuck open from sucking too much dick. She's a skinny bony ugly whore and I hope she gets AIDS and dies.

And that brings me to another dumb broad, one whose name I actually know..... Cheryl. I have to put up with this waste of carbon every damn day in painting, and sometimes she invades jewelry and makes it even worse. The other day she was blatting on about how she liked fishnets in 4th grade and now everyone likes them and everyone's always copying her. She's changed her haircut about five or six times this year because she's convinced that everyone's copying her hairdo, when in reality there is no one in the school with the same god-awful butcher's cut as her. I hope she shaves her damn head already, she's been saying she's going to do that since freshman year if not longer, because no one would notice and she'd finally realize that no one gives a flying crap on a stick about her damn hair. She's ugly too. There are a lot of ugly people infesting this goddamn planet. She has a big nose and a big chin... she looks kind of like a less-feminine Marilyn Manson. She's obsessed with Johnny the Homicidal Maniac to the point of idiocy, and acts like she's such a hardcore gawf-chik because she carts it around all damn day and shoves it in everyone's face. Once at Denny's, someone made a passing comment on JTHM, and she didn't shut the hell up for fifteen minutes about how she's getting Happy Noodle Boy tattooed on her flabby white ass and how she's getting JTHM vanity plates for her car and how Johnny is so cool and anyone who doesn't know what JTHM stands for should go to hell... she needs to be shot. Or at least made to gargle Hannah Beebe's douche. Or be made to listen to ACTUAL goth music, as opposed to Marilyn Manson and other such non-gothness. Her dad needs to grow a set and pound his little shit into submission, because if he would just take a baseball bat and work her over she'd be much easier to tolerate. She needs to be sterilized before she gets knocked up again. The last thing we need is another stupid little fuckhead junkie running around, sending America to hell wrapped in rolling papers and fishnets.


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