Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Note to self:

A tee-shirt, hoodie and wool coat are NOT enough layers to keep one warm in this weather. I can't wait to wait God knows how long for the damn bus after class. I might just take the Brown Line and walk the extra couple blocks. There is no reason for it to be this cold (it's under 10F, I'm pretty sure). I shoulda brought my scarf at least, so my poor nose isn't so cold. I fell asleep on the train here, and either the ticket man never came or he decided not to wake me up. Either way, I got a free ride. I spent $6 I shouldn't have spent on food just because it will keep me awake. I forgot to take my meds this morning, so I'm going to be half-asleep again after the caffeine-and-sugar buzz from my hot chocolate goes away. There's a Chinese food feast of leftovers waiting for me at home, only it turns out that Taste of China has the worst broccoli-beef around... it has this weird overly sweet aftertaste. They've got the best fried rice, though. F&R still pwns all for broccoli-beef. It's a damn miracle I got my paper done last night, and today it turns out I didn't do it right. I have two dentist appointments scheduled to get more God damn fillings. And I have to go straight to work after both of them. They oughta give me a scuba tank of nitrous to get me through the rest of the day. All day yesterday I was really tired, and Colin said I looked really flushed and my forehead was warm.... I hope I don't have mono, because I'm going to school anyway. I'll be damned if I'm gonna fall behind in my classes. Screw everyone else. Pussies.

God, I want to go HOME and go to BED where it's WARM and QUIET.


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