Wednesday, January 19, 2005

This pissed me off so much, it merits a separate post.

So this morning I woke up early enough to eat some breakfast for once.... leftover Chinese fried rice. So I shower and get dressed and go down to the kitchen and open the fridge... and find no Chinese food. NOTHING. There is a stack of empty Chinese food boxes in the trash.

Last night I went to bed right after dinner. They ate ALL THE CHINESE FOOD WHILE I WAS ASLEEP. I mean, we ate the pasta that Dad made for dinner, then I went to bed, then they ate the Chinese food. W...T...F. Apparently it never occurred to them that I might want some. Damn it, I hardly got any fried rice the day we got it. And why the hell did they eat it all AFTER DINNER? Why didn't we just eat it for dinner? And they woke me up when Colin called, why didn't they wake me up to ask me if I wanted any fried rice?

I ate all the shrimp out of the leftover pasta, and wrote "Thanks for all the fried rice you left me! (angry face) " on the dry-erase board on the fridge. Even this is not a severe enough punishment.


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