Thursday, April 08, 2004

Spanish class lowers my IQ.

I'm sick of the goddamn airheads in my Spanish class. They never shut up. We were listening to the teacher yammer on about Puerto Rico, and she was talking about the rainforest there and how even if the rest of the island is dry, it's always raining over the rainforest. You can apparently see the big cloud over it for miles. And this one genius asks, "But why is it always raining?" Because it's a GOD DAMN RAINFOREST? She sat there squeaking and cooing over every animal pic we saw, and honestly.... tiny orange-ish frogs are NOT THAT CUTE. She talks in baby-talk all the time... the same high-pitched sing-songy voice that one uses when addressing toddlers and animals. At least she's not as bad as the other ones who dropped at the semester (luckily for my sanity), the ones who regularly used "ell oh ell!" in conversation. Whenever they did this, I was always too far to say "ess tee eff yoo" and whack them up the head, but they'd be in intensive care from the brain damage by now so that's probably for the best. They'd sit there and yap during a video that we were going to be tested on, a video with crappy, distorted sound, and when someone told them to shut up they'd go "Well, excuse me for talking." and keep going. People would just snap and yell "HEY! Shut the fuck up!" (the teacher was out of the room), and they'd still keep talking. You can't reason with stupid people. I don't know why teachers keep trying.

I keep saying, there should be a separate school for people who just want to fuck around. It'd be the same classes and the same curriculum, same rules, same everything except that all the students would be the stupid kids who got kicked out of regular school for being fuckheads. And they'd fail all their classes and I'd laugh. This wouldn't even need to be done if teachers here would grow some balls and stomp the little shits into submission. Teachers don't do a damn thing to stop students from yammering on during lectures, and everyone's grades suffer for it. Are they scared of a couple overcooked whores spraying them with shitty perfume if they tell them to shut the hell up and stop disturbing the class? It's real easy.... you walk up to them, slam a yardstick on the desk, and say "You. Shut up." Be sure to jab them in the forehead with the yardstick with every word. Then just continue the lesson as usual, and if they don't shut up then boot their asses into the dean's office. If they see the dean too much, send them to the fuckhead school. The world will be a better place.


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