Friday, May 07, 2004

"Not available" means "not available."

So I had a half day at school today, which means I woke up at 6 am to go to school for three hours, spending 17 minutes in each period. On top of that, I got a call as soon as I got home from work asking me to work lunch. Never mind that it's been understood from the beginning that I'm not available on Fridays, but it's PROM NIGHT and even though I'm not going to prom itself, I still have plans. I don't see how they couldn't have known it's prom night; there're a bunch of people from school working there. That's not even the point... I said on my app that I am NOT AVAILABLE ON FRIDAYS. And they still asked me. What did they expect? At least I had a decent excuse (no clean uniforms, and by the time I got them clean and pressed and all the lunch rush would be over), but still. Errrgghh.

And I might not be getting my Xbox today... after tax it'd cost about $180 for the special deal ("special edition" green console and Halo for half price), I have maybe $215 in the bank and I'm down to about 3/8 a tank of gas. Dad says he might cover part of it (the Xbox, not the gas) but he "has to think about it" which means by the time he makes a decision either way, the offer will be over. Damn it, I want an Xbox. T_T


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