Sunday, May 02, 2004

Responsibility, what's that?

Good Gord, I'm turning into my mother. I'll elaborate.

As previously stated, I am employed at McDonald's. There are a few managers-in-training working there, most of whom are pretty cool. The only problem is, they tend to act like God damn fifth graders at the worst times. During the dinner rush on Friday, they were pushing each other around in front of the bags, thus keeping everyone else from bagging food and getting customers out of line. I wasn't even supposed to be assembling, but as long as they were fucking around NOTHING was getting done and I had no choice. I haven't even been trained as an assembler/runner yet. It was all I could do not to tell them, "This whole operation would run much more efficiently if you two would STOP FUCKING AROUND." We were backed up like a cheap sewer, and they were pushing each other around in front of the fry vats. Argh. Too bad that guy didn't fall in. The guy annoys me (I can't remember his name).

Sorry about the lack of postage... I only had school for two days last week, and they were fairly tolerable.


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