Monday, May 10, 2004

Shamanic weirdness

So I'm home sick from school today (I've lost my voice, I have a headache, and I'm sore like hell). Yesterday (when I got sick) was the first day in a while that I didn't wear my dagger pendant. I asked Dad if I could stay home today, and I still had no voice. After that I put my pendant on and asked him where he was going that day... and my voice was back almost 100%. Everything else was still sore, though.

A bit later I decided to perform a totemic bonding ritual in the basement to give thanks. It didn't work out so well... it was cold and there was too much noise to concentrate. So I had to cut it off. On the way upstairs my nose started running (snot was going clear down my face... allergies are so much fun) and I kept dropping everything (candles, book, incense, lighter...) that I had carried downstairs just fine. Guess the spirits are pissed at me for not finishing it. And my voice is gone again. RRrrrgh. Lesson learned.


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