Saturday, June 12, 2004


NEVER work there. Even the ugliest person can sell themselves on a corner somewhere.

I worked for eight hours today and got one break... an hour and a half into my shift. So I stood at the front counter for roughly six hours straight, starving as hell, every part of my body aching. When I finally get off, the bitch manager-in-training says I can't have a free shake because I already got a meal. Well, what the shit is that? I got a meal six fucking hours ago and have not so much as sat down since. Am I going to go to my car in 85° heat in this oven bag of a uniform to get my purse because now I have to pay $1.50 or whatever for something that until now I got for free? Honestly. It would be no skin off anyone's ass if I got a shake. I figured screw it, I'm going to Portillo's with Colin in a couple hours. But it still pissed me off.

Not to mention, the whole damn day Becky was riding my ass... I'd go to get a cheeseburger to complete an order that's been waiting for ten minutes, and she'd get all pissed at me and say "you just stay there and take the next order." Fucking NO. Give me one good reason why I should take another damn order when there's no more room on the counter and you're all having trouble filling the orders you've already got? And when I did stay and take orders, she'd get mad at me for not serving them off (there's a button you push when an order's been served that takes it off the screen so the grill people know it's done). Serving off is the RUNNER'S job. I am not the runner. You said so yourself. And when someone changed their mind about what size coffee they wanted after I rang up the order and I told her that we needed a large instead of a small, she got all snarky and said "You need to ask them and make sure you have it right." I DID have it right, bitch. She changed her mind.

And every time I was taking an order and Benazir (the other cashier) wasn't, she'd hover over me and push buttons for me. Shit, I've been working here for two months, I think I know where the buttons are. And SHE doesn't even know. Someone ordered cream cheese on their bagel and I was looking for the cream cheese button (this was only the second or third time I'd worked breakfast). She elbowed over and said "here it is" and pushed the cheese button. "no, that's not it..." (pushes the cream button) "no... well, where is it?" At that point, I said "it's HERE," and stabbed the button, which I had located immediately before she started pawing around.

Another thing- It never ceases to amaze me just how damn long people can stay in the restaurant- particularly families with kids in the playplace. A family came in around noonish, got their food and sat down. Over the next four hours they continued coming back for one more happy meal, one more sundae, one more order of fries, etc etc. They were still there when I left. Jesus, Mary and Joseph in Tinsel Town. It's not Studio 54, people. There isn't anyone particularly interesting hanging around. The food is borderline edible on a good day. If you want to get your kids out of your hair, stick their asses in daycare and go eat somewhere decent.

I'd have quit by now if the hours at Center Stage were anywhere near what I get at McD. I need the money, and as long as I have CS I'll have at least a shred of my sanity left.


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