Monday, October 04, 2004


Guess who put in her notice at McDonald's? XDDDDD

Well, not really... I'm on leave, which means that I'm still on file as an employee, but I'm not on the schedule. I'll be working there mostly only on my school vacations.


I got my goodie box from school today!!

Wowee, that thing must have weighed 50 pounds. All my stuff, packed into a fancy portfolio. Prismacolor pencils and markers, charcoal, a small sketchpad, a medium sketchpad, a hugeass sketchpad, bristol board, tracing paper, a Rapidograph pen, and tons of other shit.

I could sleep easy if I wasn't starting class tomorrow. ::gonk::

Get this: My first class is 8:00-9:50am in the Mart Center campus. My next class is 12:00-2:50pm in the Loop campus, which is about a mile away. So I'll have two hours to grab something to eat, and mosey on down there (about a 15-20 minute walk). My next class? 3:00, at the Mart campus. I've got ten minutes to get out of the building, walk seven blocks or so, get into the other building, get to the room, and plop my ass down. Is there a teleporter in each campus? My dad called the registrar about it, and she said tons of students had the same problem. WELL THEN, why isn't anything being DONE about it? Why don't they make the passing periods a titch longer, maybe five minutes longer, so people who have to go from one campus to another won't be as late? At least since there's a lot of other students in the same situation, I probably won't get in huge trouble. It still pisses me off though.


I know this guy named Ian, he's the brother of my friend Shannon's boyfriend. He is, as we put it, "homeless by choice." He had jobs. He quit them because he's too lazy to work. He has gained unimaginable amounts of weight while being homeless, which probably does happen in other situations but here it's because everyone supports his ass. Basically, he's a fat lazy fuck and we hate him. So what happened, you ask?

It seems that on September 25th, he got caught fucking his 14-year-old girlfriend in a public park. IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. Oh yeah.... HE'S 21. I passed the article around at Denny's... a waitress asked to see it, so just about everyone in the restaurant saw it. (Ian's at Denny's a lot... since he's got an army of people giving him money, he can always afford to eat if no one believes him when he says he has no money) I'm gonna hang out with Shannon tonight... can't wait to show it to her. XD


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