Thursday, January 27, 2005

Fuck drugs and gang activity; there needs to be a zero-tolerance policy for BEING AN IGNORANT-ASS LOUDMOUTH BITCH.

There's a girl in my Survey of Design and Media Arts class. She's in her early 20s and has a 4-year-old daughter. And she's about as mature as her kid.

Today we all had to do presentations educating the class about how computers work, and our group decided to do a Jeopardy-type game since not enough of us live in school-sponsored housing to organize anything more complicated. We had flyswatters for the three groups to smack down to buzz-in. (Yes, they were new and clean.) Even after we explained the logistics of buzzing in with the flyswatters, after we asked the first question someone in the same group as Miss Loud-ass Bitch called out the answer without buzzing in. Someone else buzzed in from another group and answered correctly, so we gave them the points even though the non-buzzer-inner got it right. So this bitch starts yammering off about how we "never said anything about buzzing in" even though not five minutes earlier we had explained buzzing in with flyswatters. We told her that the game worked like regular Jeopardy, and her genius response was "Well I've never watched Jeopardy!" Never mind that her non-Jeopardy-watching status was irrelevant to the fact that she had been too busy SMACKING THE FUCKING FLYSWATTER ON THE FUCKING DESK to process the idea that you're supposed to buzz in with said flyswatter. She got all pouty and all "IT'S NOT FAAAIIIIIR OMGOMG!!!11!!1" and refused to participate in the rest of the game. I don't want to know how that poor kid of hers is gonna turn out.

After the presentations were done, we got into a debate over which computers were better for graphics, Macs or PCs. She and I both were on the Mac side (along with 3\4 of the class). We had to come up with a list of points to prove that Macs were better, taking into consideration the arguments that the other side was likely to make. And then, the genius Super-Bitch Quote of the Day:

"I'm pretty sure you can't use CD-ROMs in a Mac."

After this bizarre statement was shot down, she said "Well, I don't KNOOOWW anything about computers! I'm IGNORAAANNNT!".... and CONTINUED TO TALK. About something she KNEW she knew NOTHING ABOUT.

There were a couple more presentations (different ones- everyone in the class has to do a two-minute presentation on something related to the fields studied in the class) afterwards- one on the concept art behind Edward Scissorhands. We watched a clip of the movie for the presentation, and after that the teacher said we were going to watch part of Pirates of Silicon Valley to add to our discussion regarding Macs vs. PCs. She said: "... So that's the movie we just watched?"

I rest my case. This bitch needs to be fucking shot.


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