Children of the Damned Day at the Brain Institute
1. A customer ordered an iced venti no-water Americano and a venti caramel macchiato. My SM rang it in as a venti Americano and a venti caramel mocha. And since we're a label store and I couldn't hear the man order (I always wear a DT headset), I had to remake both drinks. ><
2. I had to stop my store manager from making a Cafe Vanilla frap with vanilla syrup. It gets vanilla powder, which is conveniently located at the frap bar. To get to the vanilla syrup (which is not used in ANY frappuccino), you have to go out of your way to the espresso bar. This is not even the first time I've had to stop him from doing this. The first time was back in November, when someone ordered a Cafe Vanilla and my SM proceeded to completely ignore the CAFVN button on the register and ring them in for a plain coffee frappuccino, add vanilla syrup. This tastes different and is also completely fucking wrong, and he did not believe me until I pointed out the correct recipe to him on the recipe poster by the frap bar AND in the Beverage Resource Manual. And he STILL does it. "Oh, I always forget that!" How in the hell do you get it in your head like that in the first damn place?
3. I had to remind my store manager of the existence of Coffee Light frap base. What makes this interesting is this: the guy ordered a Cinnamon Dolce "nonfat" frap, so I start to make a cinnamon dolce light. I hear SM say "Well, we have nonfat CREME base, but not coffee base." I keep on making it and holler "WE HAVE COFFEE LIGHT BASE!"
4. The woman at drivethru needed a tall vanilla bean frappuccino. SM proceeded to pick up the grande cinnamon dolce light frappuccino, call it to her as a tall vanilla bean (despite the label on the cup clearly saying cinnamon dolce), and hand it to her.
My SM mistook something grande size, brown and whipless for something tall size, white, and with whip.
Welcome to my Starbucks.
also, shoutout to IFM , who is finally updating his own goddamn blog as I type this.
1. A customer ordered an iced venti no-water Americano and a venti caramel macchiato. My SM rang it in as a venti Americano and a venti caramel mocha. And since we're a label store and I couldn't hear the man order (I always wear a DT headset), I had to remake both drinks. ><
2. I had to stop my store manager from making a Cafe Vanilla frap with vanilla syrup. It gets vanilla powder, which is conveniently located at the frap bar. To get to the vanilla syrup (which is not used in ANY frappuccino), you have to go out of your way to the espresso bar. This is not even the first time I've had to stop him from doing this. The first time was back in November, when someone ordered a Cafe Vanilla and my SM proceeded to completely ignore the CAFVN button on the register and ring them in for a plain coffee frappuccino, add vanilla syrup. This tastes different and is also completely fucking wrong, and he did not believe me until I pointed out the correct recipe to him on the recipe poster by the frap bar AND in the Beverage Resource Manual. And he STILL does it. "Oh, I always forget that!" How in the hell do you get it in your head like that in the first damn place?
3. I had to remind my store manager of the existence of Coffee Light frap base. What makes this interesting is this: the guy ordered a Cinnamon Dolce "nonfat" frap, so I start to make a cinnamon dolce light. I hear SM say "Well, we have nonfat CREME base, but not coffee base." I keep on making it and holler "WE HAVE COFFEE LIGHT BASE!"
4. The woman at drivethru needed a tall vanilla bean frappuccino. SM proceeded to pick up the grande cinnamon dolce light frappuccino, call it to her as a tall vanilla bean (despite the label on the cup clearly saying cinnamon dolce), and hand it to her.
My SM mistook something grande size, brown and whipless for something tall size, white, and with whip.
Welcome to my Starbucks.
also, shoutout to IFM , who is finally updating his own goddamn blog as I type this.
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