Thursday, February 10, 2005

Major oh-shit.

Up until now I've never really cared if someone I mentioned on here found my blog- google doesn't search the content, only the title (if you type the name of someone mentioned here, Google won't list this blog- it will only list it if you search the phrase "down with dumb."). Even if they did, I always thought it would be nothing short of hilarious if they read my rants about them and got all pissed. So, I don't bother with initials or pseudonyms.

So last night on the news there was some bit on a woman who bitched about her job in her blog and got fired for it. And she didn't even name names. I mean, I hate working at McDonald's, but I need the job. (Especially since I lost about three hours out of this pay period to a misscheduled dentist appointment.) And someone else in the same situation. And someone else.

These people were in office jobs, but I'm a completely disposable crew member at a fast food restaurant notorious for maintaining high turnover. I've been there for almost a year now.

I can't help but think that the reason they got caught was because they were updating at work and got caught that way, but it never said how they got caught, just that they did and got fired. Reminds me of the kid a couple years back who made a site about how much he hated his school- he never once worked on it or mentioned it at school, but they found it and expelled him. Too bad Committee to Protect Bloggers only covers Middle Eastern bloggers talking about their government.

Oh well. We'll see what happens. *shrug*


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