Thursday, February 10, 2005

Those to whom this is directed will never see it, but oh well.

Attention bums:
1) Braying "HELLLOOOOO DAARRRLING" does not improve your chances of a handout. A witty cardboard sign does. I have yet to see one of those... where are the bums with "Ninjas killed my family- need money for kung fu lessons" signs?

2) If you want someone to give you money, a college is not the place to be. Chances are pretty good that you have more money in your styrofoam cup than I've got in my checking account.

3) If you absolutely must hang around in hallways, please refrain from sticking your feet out in the middle of it. I've lost count of how many bums I've nearly tripped over.

4) If I say I have no money, leave me alone regardless of whether or not it's true.

5) Stop hitting on me.


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