Monday, February 21, 2005

The main reason I elected NOT to go into Graphic Design...

... is that aside from having to come up with 100+ ideas for one damn thing, I'd have to make ads featuring fucktaculously* stupid slogans.

The ad campaigns for McDonald's Chicken Selects have always been more than a little odd ("Gold medal taste," anyone?) but this new one takes the bloody biscuit. All over the inside of the store, the word "believe" is used in one form or another.

On the cash register: "sauces to believe in."
On a cardboard standee of some big-haired devil woman holding a strip and attempting to smile but succeeding only in looking constipated: "now i'm a believer."
On a crewroom poster: "my customers have reason to believe."
On a card thingie on each of the tables: "Here a chickenthusiast made a discovery."

DEAR GOD. This is second only to X-Treme Petz (stuffed animals made to look all hardcore-like- screws through their tongues, "super x-treme powers", punk clothes, etc) for the all-time ultimate clueless attempt to cash in on youth culture. (It gets into the youth category because it does not deign to capitalize words that should be.) How the hell is anyone supposed to take this? The only reason we did any more business than usual was because we were giving out the selects FREE with a FREE SAUCE (remember, otherwise we charge 15 cents for them!). And even though the promotion ended at 2pm yesterday, they still kept the signs up so we still had people wanting the free shit.

Advertising folks, try not to be too fuckin' stupid, okay? There's this thing called a focus group- a group of people of the demographic you're trying to target, and they tell you what they think. Had this ad campaign been focus-grouped, I doubt it would have made it out of the room. What inspired people to buy stuff 20 years ago no longer works. The 18-24 group has been filled to exploding with "believe in ____" shit, and no one wants to hear it anymore. Especially if you're being asked to "believe in" a fucking chicken strip and the sauce. Throw that shit away; no one wants to hear it, read it, or see it.

*This promotion was so dumb it merited the invention of a new word: fucktaculous.


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