Saturday, July 24, 2004

McDonald's- Now full of more shit than ever before!

They've started a new policy thinger at McDonald's regarding employee meals in an attempt to treat their menial employees even more like bloodless fucking pawns:

-No dessert items (no ice cream, no shakes, no pies, no cookies, no parfaits)
-Only medium-sized value meals
-Only 6-piece nugget meals
-No salads
-Only 3-piece chicken strips

I discovered the full ramifications of this earlier in the week: I could get a $5 #4 meal (double quarter-pounder with cheese, medium fries and drink), but I could NOT get a $1.50 shake by itself. DOUBLE YOO TEE EFF IS THIS?!  I worked for eight fucking hours with nothing to eat except two biscuits, and I can't have a damn shake?  It's not like they're taking this stuff out of the managers' paychecks or anything.  It has no effect on them whatsoever, and 99% of the time there's no one from corporate around to find out. 

AND: There's this kid James who is an all-around ass, acts like he's black when he's a fat pimply white kid, refuses to do any work, swears at customers, and complains all the fucking time.  Last week he walked out in the middle of a huge rush because Vee wouldn't let him have a cigarette break.  And what was the punitive action here, considering his overall behavior?  He was suspended for a few days.

PLUS: Some woman wanted two kiddie cones.  I told her that we don't have kiddie cones, and she asked if she could just pay for one and split it in half.  I said okay, and gave her the two cones with only a little bit of ice cream in it (they were filled just a bit past the top).   She came back a bit later and started bitching about how she didn't think she got enough ice cream, even though the amount I gave her was about twice that of the kiddie cones.  She stood there and bitched about maybe three cents worth of ice cream while I gave her even more.  Accounting for the ice cream her slobbery brats ate before she came back, she probably got an entire cone for free.  And she continued to bitch.  Bitch bitch bitch.  About how her kids were complaining about how they didn't get enough ice cream.  Judging by the looks of the kids, the last thing they needed in their diets was more ice cream and a shrewish complainy mom willing to give it to them.  Fucking spoiled brats.  Bring back the belt, I say.

(end rant)

I'm thinking I'm going to switch my availability back to evenings... that way I can work at Center Stage more, and also the evening people are way cooler and more fun to work with.  The managers are a lot nicer too- they don't nitpick over the employee meal policy and they'll let you off early if it's not busy.  It's like 4:00 is the Asshole Cutoff- no assholes working after 4 PM.

I got to paint mannequins some more today and yesterday... XD They're looking uber-spiffy.    I can't believe I'm getting paid to do this.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Wedding bells are ringing, and I curse pop culture.

I went shopping today for a dress to wear to the wedding I'm going to with Colin... some cousin of his, I think.   Due to the fact that it is summer and I am small and broke, everything in my size (2) and price range (under $70) was white, skanky, or both.  URRGGHH.  The next person who says they wish they were skinny is coming on a shopping trip with me sometime.  I finally found a dress that will work... it's a bit too dark for a wedding and probably too formal; but shit, it was only $35 and I had a dentist appointment to get to (which was a FUCKING BLAST... I'm going to need retainers again, apparently).  Found a matching pair of shoes for $35 too.   I now have about $40 in checking.  Shit.  At least I get paid tomorrow.  ::does the money dance::  $D

Sunday, July 11, 2004

A wise man once said, "Bitching never helps."


At least I got off work early today.

Right after I got back from my break, I punched back in and went back up to the counter to find some guy standing there YELLING HIS HEAD OFF because other people got their orders of pancakes before him. All the pancakes came up at the same time. The other people had just pancakes; he had other stuff. Anthony or whoever gave the other people theirs first so their orders would be finished and we could clear out the lobby. But NOOOO, this guy couldn't wait thirty damn seconds to get his pancakes. Anthony tried to explain the situation and the guy lost it. He stormed out hollering that he would write to headquarters in Oak Brook to complain.

You're going to write to a multi-BILLION dollar corporation's world headquarters because you didn't get your pancakes as fast as you wanted?! What kind of childhood did this guy have where he is completely unaccustomed to not being treated as the only occupant of a room full of people? Who do you think you are, a fucking king? There are other people who can be cleared out of the lobby and YOU STILL HAVE SHIT TO WAIT FOR. When you get your pancakes has no bearing whatsoever on when your order is finished. All you are doing is making yourself look like an ass and inciting the wrath of the crew (James was asking Anthony if he could beat the guy up if he clocked out, since the manager isn't liable for anything the crew does while they're not on the clock). The guy has an easily recognizable face... too bad the kitchen is visible from the lobby, or he'd have quite a surprise in his fucking pancakes the next time he came around.

(Yes, I know I'm bitching and it's not helping, but I'm not irritating a room full of people over something that can't be helped, so STFU. XP )

Saturday, July 03, 2004


I haven't been updating lately... too tired, too busy, too whatever. Even though bitch-worthy stuff has happened, and I've forgotten it all now. I got my curfew back up to midnight, and then a week later I overslept and was late for work so here I am back at eleven. Damn it all. And I'm working on Monday so I can't stay all night at Shannon's party (she's all moved in to her new apartment and is having her 4th of July party there). At least I'm only working three days at McD next week. I don't think I could handle any more than that. On the plus side, I got a nice $220 check from them yesterday, which I used today to buy a tank top and two new bras. Two sorely-needed bras, I might add... if only I'd thought to get new socks while I was there, I need socks even more than bras. Ah well.