Friday, April 30, 2004

Excellence from the commentary page.

While perusing the commentary page of the Trib today, I happened upon the following article. I was going to just link to it in the Trib's web page, but you have to be a registered member and registering entails giving them your phone number so they can call you at all hours to sell you crap. So, I'm going to bust my hands typing it all out here. Since I don't have anything better to do anyway.

Taxing the stupid a smart idea
By James Sollisch

To raise more money for schools, many states are passing additional sin taxes. Texas Gov. Rick Perry has called for higher taxes on alcohol, gambling and a $5 tax on every patron who enters a topless bar. So someday there might be a library in a Texas school with a plaque that reads, "Funded in part by the zealous efforts of the lap dancers of the Lone Star State."

And I don't see anything wrong with that. Except that there's a limit to how much sin we can all commit, even if our state governments encourage it as a way to raise tax revenue.

In New York, Gov. George Pataki is promoting gambling in an effort to raise $2 billion annually for New York's public schools.

We need to expand the potential revenue stream beyond sin to something our society possesses in even greater supply- stupidity. I propose we tax the stupid things people buy.

Let's start with a tax on camera phones. What could be more stupid than taking pictures with a phone? Just because you can combine two things doesn't mean you should. A waffle iron is a good thing, and so is a Walkman. But a Waffleman just doesn't make sense.

Next on my list is a tax on pet massage therapy. If you're stupid enough to take your cat to a pet spa for the day, I think you should pay a tax that helps us educate students better so there will eventually be fewer adults who believe their pets need a massage. Sort of a self-liquidating tax.

I would also tax bumper stickers. If you can sum up your view of hugely complicates issues like global warming and abortion in three words, you should help fund schools that teach children to think critically. If the bumper sticker happens to be on a Hummer or any other vehicle that doesn't fit in a parking space, then you should be double taxed.

I just read in the paper about a new cosmetic surgery that costs around $15,000. And the results don't even show. This surgery nips years off your vocal cords so your voice sounds younger. A 10 percent tax could raise $1,500 per surgery. This would be a great way to get older people, who don't often vote for school levies, to help out with education.

Taxing stupid purchases is a great idea because it's fundamentally fair. Stupidity is democratic. It knows no race, creed, or religion. It's not an affliction of the wealthy or poor. I might not be rich enough to buy a Hummer but I might be vain enough to buy Hair in a Can. That should cost me.

The other great advantage a stupid tax has over a sin tax is its logical connection to education. We can't educate sin away. It's original equipment on the human being. But if every time you bought a particularly ridiculous item, you were reminded of how stupid it was, you might learn. And if you don't, at least your children will.

Good stuff, Maynard.

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Testing, one, two...

Behold the new skin. I nearly burned out my retinas staring at the screen while tweaking the code. It's still a work in progress, but I like it a lot better than the old one.

Nothing much to report today... I haven't had school and have been sleeping past noon for the past two days, and I have a half day tomorrow and work 5-8 after that. C'est la vie. I can't believe I just said that.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Stuff that happened

1) I got a drawing tablet for my computer on my birthday XD
2) I got Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! and a spiffy poster from Colin <3
3) I got $100 from Grandma Marion and $50 from Grandma Liz O_o
4) Me and Colin went to a lecture at Fermilab about gravitational waves, which was ubercool
5) I got Colin a Border's gift card and we had pot roast and played Halo and I got my ass kicked because I suck and everyone kept killing me and I only killed "Opie" (I can't remember who that was) twice out of sheer luck because we played King of the Hill and I really suck at that and Slayer is better especially in that warehouse spaceship thing and we played that and I did better which means my score wasn't in the negatives.
6) I went to school and that sucked.
7) I'm working today and that's going to suck.
8) I was too damn lazy to write a decent blog entry.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Salmonella, e. coli and staph, oh my!

Today was day one of my sentence in paper-hat purgatory, a.k.a McDonald's. I didn't do any actual work, I just sat in the back room farting around on some training program for DAMN NEAR FOUR HOURS. And apparently the manager never told the assistant managers working today that I would be coming in; so they were all surprised and didn't have the training crap set up. That program is a disgrace to Flash animation and computers in general. The drawing style is truly disturbing. Honestly, if they'd just show me how to use the POS, how drive thru works, and anything else, I could be fully trained by the program's standards in an hour or two as opposed to five-plus (I'll finish my training on Thursday if I hurry). Christ. It's all the same horsehockey (yes that's my new word, take it and I'll kill you) we did at orientation last night (a waste of three hours). And then some chicks came in on their break and turned up the TV so loud I couldn't hear the training stuff anyway. And to top it all off... I took this job mainly because it's not by my school so odds are low I'll have to deal with people I see on a daily basis as it is. So guess who was in the lobby as I walked out to my car? Rick and some other Denny's people. Not that I have anything against Rick, he's a cool guy and his girlfriend's name is the same as mine, but I'd like to keep the number of people who know where I work to a minimum. I don't think he recognized me though, and it's 4/20 so they were probably stoned anyway. It still ticked me off.

I'm going to get a t-shirt that says "The Pope wants your soul!" I forgot to blog this yesterday... in the cafeteria before school yesterday, a bunch of fundies were praying at one of the tables. Loudly, too... not like a televangelist, but loud enough to be heard from several tables away. It was all I could do not to say "Satan loves you!" as I walked past, or attack Rimi screaming "CATHOLICS TRIED TO STEAL MY SOUL!!!11!!" And you know, the school has no problem with this, but if a bunch of Wiccans wanted to do the same thing it'd be shot down before you could spit.

Monday, April 19, 2004

Hooray for jobs, I think.

I just got a job at McDonald's today. I start tomorrow. My mom works at a McDonald's and she's the one who got me the job, and my dad just retired from McDonald's Corp. not too long ago... my family's reputation and honor is at stake. And I know this job is going to drive me up the damn wall but hey, I need to eat and so does my car. I don't even get paid for two weeks, which means that I'll probably have to either ask for a loan from the parentals to get Colin a present or give him a rain check... either way, I'll feel like crap for it. And this chick at school that I'm trying to avoid because she's even crazier than me (and not in a good way) insists on getting me a present, even though I didn't get her squat (her birthday was today). Grah. Maybe I can keep away from her on Friday. Wowee, I'll be 18. Hooray for pr0n and voting Bush out of office.

At least I got to get a men's-style tie so I don't have to wear that ugly-ass poofy girl-neckerchief thinger. Wearing that along with the waist-high pants and the hat (any uniform that includes a hat just sucks) would probably land me in an institution. But at least I'd have the income to pay for it.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Because God forbid you should have to part with your precious fuckin' flip-flops.

Well, I paid nearly $40 to bowl this quarter, and now I'm not going to get to bowl all next week. Why? Because ten or fifteen overcooked airheads wore flipflops on the bowling alley (as opposed to getting bowling shoes, which takes all of thirty seconds) and a bunch more wore regular tennis shoes. So because half the class is composed of spoiled fucks, we've been kicked out of Parkside Lanes and they're going to call the administration to chew them out. What is so damn difficult about changing your shoes? Or are bowling shoes too hopelessly unfashionable to ever be caught dead with them, even in a God damn bowling alley? The worst part is, they're not the ones being punished. They only took bowling to get an excuse for being late to their next class and because you don't have to change... they don't give a flying crap on a stick about not getting to bowl, and they care even less about no one else getting to bowl. They don't care because they're not being left out of anything, and Mommy and Daddy probably paid for them to bowl. What would be better is if everyone who wore bowling shoes still got to bowl; and all the stupid fucks who wore fucking SANDALS would get to stay at school and sweat it out in the cardio room all period. These kids are spoiled at home and they're spoiled at school. No one punishes anyone any more, because OH NOES, it might cause emotional scarring!!! Good, chop their overblown egos up, prepare them for real life. But by the time they hit the workforce, firing will have been regarded as a barbaric practice and anyone who applies for a job will get hired and be kept on regardless of talent, because it's mean to fire someone for having no skills whatsoever. And if you don't give them the job in the first place, you'll hurt their feewings. Awww. Why can't people just curl up on a cot and suck their damn thumbs all day? Oh wait, that's degrading. We expect our children to attend classes for everything from accounting to zeromancy, and be accepted into college by the time they're potty trained. Soon enough, more will be expected of children than of adults. They're giving standardized tests to fucking KINDERGARTENERS now. How the blue fuck can you expect a five-year-old to sit still for four hours and fill in bubbles? They can't color a 3-inch circle inside the lines, let alone a 3mm one. People are holding their kids back from kindergarten until they're six or seven so they can handle the tests. Jesus tapdancing Christ, in kindergarten I fingerpainted, chucked cardboard bricks at classmates' heads, and was so poorly-behaved that I was "diagnosed" with severe ADHD (since that was the trendy disorder at the time), and I GOT ACCEPTED EARLY INTO COLLEGE. A GOOD college, not frickin' DeVry or anything. What the hell is wrong with people? They're going to fucking burn these kids out before they can even know what all these tests are for. No wonder kids are dropping out like hell; even parents think all this testing and bullcrap is pointless. Good job, Bush; your No Child Left Behind horsehockey is denying funding to schools that need it most (schools with low test scores don't get funding to buy textbooks with current and correct information, schools with high scores get millions of dollars to blow on fuckin' DDR machines, true story) and is encouraging low-income and/or poorly-performing students to drop out because they lower test scores (also true, at least where I live- students don't need parent permission to drop out here). They go to shitty schools that are forced to remain shitty because they're shitty in the first place. And the way to de-shittify schools and edumacate kids is to kick them out because their school's shittiness precludes their doing well on tests and their low scores preclude the school's receipt of funding to de-shittify itself? How the hell is this going to help anyone? If they'd just reverse it- give funding to low-scoring schools and no funding to high-scoring schools- it'd work. Administrators are tweaking test scores so they're high enough for the school to get enough funding to stay upright... what message does this send about the government? The only message that could be sent about the Bush White House... the only way to live is to lie.

Moral of the story: Cardboard bricks rule. I miss those.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Spanish class lowers my IQ.

I'm sick of the goddamn airheads in my Spanish class. They never shut up. We were listening to the teacher yammer on about Puerto Rico, and she was talking about the rainforest there and how even if the rest of the island is dry, it's always raining over the rainforest. You can apparently see the big cloud over it for miles. And this one genius asks, "But why is it always raining?" Because it's a GOD DAMN RAINFOREST? She sat there squeaking and cooing over every animal pic we saw, and honestly.... tiny orange-ish frogs are NOT THAT CUTE. She talks in baby-talk all the time... the same high-pitched sing-songy voice that one uses when addressing toddlers and animals. At least she's not as bad as the other ones who dropped at the semester (luckily for my sanity), the ones who regularly used "ell oh ell!" in conversation. Whenever they did this, I was always too far to say "ess tee eff yoo" and whack them up the head, but they'd be in intensive care from the brain damage by now so that's probably for the best. They'd sit there and yap during a video that we were going to be tested on, a video with crappy, distorted sound, and when someone told them to shut up they'd go "Well, excuse me for talking." and keep going. People would just snap and yell "HEY! Shut the fuck up!" (the teacher was out of the room), and they'd still keep talking. You can't reason with stupid people. I don't know why teachers keep trying.

I keep saying, there should be a separate school for people who just want to fuck around. It'd be the same classes and the same curriculum, same rules, same everything except that all the students would be the stupid kids who got kicked out of regular school for being fuckheads. And they'd fail all their classes and I'd laugh. This wouldn't even need to be done if teachers here would grow some balls and stomp the little shits into submission. Teachers don't do a damn thing to stop students from yammering on during lectures, and everyone's grades suffer for it. Are they scared of a couple overcooked whores spraying them with shitty perfume if they tell them to shut the hell up and stop disturbing the class? It's real easy.... you walk up to them, slam a yardstick on the desk, and say "You. Shut up." Be sure to jab them in the forehead with the yardstick with every word. Then just continue the lesson as usual, and if they don't shut up then boot their asses into the dean's office. If they see the dean too much, send them to the fuckhead school. The world will be a better place.