Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I think I'm going crazy over here.

The other night I had a dream that a bunch of people left comments on my blog saying how much it sucked, started a Yahoo Group for people who hate my blog, and got it shut down for being too crappy. O_x

I'm procrastinating way too much lately. I have three projects due today that I haven't done yet. This is because I spent the entire Thanksgiving weekend on Gaia and playing Soul Calibur 2. I've always been a procrastinator. I get it from my dad. (We once went over a month with no doorknob in the front door because the original doorknob broke and Dad kept putting off buying a new one.) I used to write papers second period, type them up seventh, and hand them in eighth.

I see what the other Fundamentals of Drawing students are doing, and it pisses me off. They're copying black and white photographs and drawing faces as a class. Meanwhile, we sit here drawing fucking boxes like a bunch of fucking retards. No wonder half the class is showing no progress- the assignments don't even require a pulse to complete.

Last night I typed up my assignment for English. This morning I forgot to print it. But my teacher was sick, and we had no class. XD I'm researching Christian Science and how it forbids its members to seek medical assistance because doctors are sorcerers. I'm sure you've seen a story somewhere about a kid who died from a fucking ear infection that turned to encephalitis because his parents sat there and prayed instead of getting him some fucking antibiotics. God helps those who help themselves, bitches. And the clincher is, THIS IS LEGAL. Parents cannot be convicted of manslaughter or willful neglect if their religion requires it. So much for "thou shalt not kill."

This is the second time I've typed this all up. I accidentally erased the first draft while attempting to copy it in case Blogger ate it. I forgot that this is a Mac and control-C does not copy. SHIT. My arm is fucking killing me. (yes, my arm- I type mostly with my right hand.)

I think F&R China Buffet puts opium in their food. How else could I be unable to complete a shift at Center Stage without my broccoli-beef and fried rice lunch special? It's a crap ton of "groin-grabbingly" (as Erin put it) good food for $4.95 after tax. Ohhyeah.

I'm back to sewing at CS- this time, flapper dresses and a 20's-style slip dress. We can't find fringe to match the material, though.

Okay, I really need to stop putting off this assignment- bye, all.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Shut up and let me draw.

I'm sick to hell of my Fundamentals of Drawing teacher. He's fucking crazy. It takes him all damn period to say something, and he fucking stutters on top of it. Not that I'm insulting people with speech impediments, but if you stutter that bad you need some speech therapy, or you could just find a different job. Or maybe you could just NOT TALK SO FUCKING MUCH. He just yaps ON and ON and repeats everything he already said.

And he's one of those people who doesn't give A's on the report cards. An actual quote: "If I give you a B+, you're doing A work." Well then, why can't I have my damn A? I obviously deserve it. If it wasn't for this dicksmack, I'd have straight A's for the first time EVER. URGGGH. And no, he's never given a reason as to why he doesn't give A's. Not a reason that makes any sense, anyways. I think it was something along the lines of "I want you to have something to shoot for." But we're never going to get the damn A. What's the point of shooting for it?



Hope Blogger's not too hungry today. ::grumble grumble::

Anyways, my last post was about how FUCKING UNBELIEVABLY STUPID people in my English class are. I haven't seen some of these grammatical errors since third grade. These papers are unreadable. I get headaches every time we do a proofreading session. And so, without much more ado, I give you:

1) They're over there, abusing their native tongue.
Jesus tapdancing Christ. I can't believe people still do this. But anyway, since I'm trying to help you people, here you go:
THEY'RE is a contraction of "they are," and refers to multiple people or things. THEY'RE is the same as THEY ARE.

THERE is noun describing the LOCATION of something.

THEIR is an adjective showing possession of an object.

THESE WORDS ARE NOT THE SAME. Please try to nail this through your thick Neanderthal skulls. For my sake, as well as the sake of anyone else who has to read your pathetic scribblings.

2) Is a sentence fragment.
You're probably asking, "WHAT'S a sentence fragment?" Exactly. That's what I'm here for.
A sentence generally has two parts- the subject and the predicate. A sentence that is lacking either of these is a fragment. Exceptions are made for command forms- for example, "Shut the fuck up" is a complete sentence because it has the "understood you" as its subject. You, shut the fuck up. It's all quite simple.

But what I keep seeing is stuff like, "As it continued." Granted, it has a subject (it) and a predicate (continued) but "As" makes it a subordinate clause and therefore NOT a sentence. You don't have to know all these rules to know if a sentence is a fragment or not. You should really just be able to tell by looking.

By the way, fragments are acceptable in non-scholarly works, like this blog. As long as people know what you mean.

3) This is not German Class.
German capitalizes Nouns. I'm sure You have noticed This on the multi-lingual Labels on many Appliances in your Home. I have no clue why native speakers of English insist on doing this. I am not making this up.

This one is self-explanatory.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Here's a bunch of crap in lieu of an apology for not updating.

WTF MANS. It ate my fucking post. It was long, too. I don't have time to redo it. DIE, BLOGGER.

Here's a bunch of crap in lieu of an apology for not updating.