Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Yet another staggering display of intelligence.

Today was my last day of high school EV-AR. XD

Well, sorta... I have to be there on Thursday and Friday at 8:30am for the senior assembly and grad practice respectively, but that's only for a couple hours so it doesn't count. But of course, some dumbass had to go and almost wreck my last day.

It was the last period of the day, and I was getting ready to dig into my anatomy final. Right when Mr. D handed me the scantron, the fire alarm went off. We all poured out the door, with only one thought going through our heads: If we can't finish our final, Mr. D can't sign our sheets saying we've finished our course work. If Mr. D can't sign those sheets, we can't take them to our counselors so they can sign. If the counselors don't sign them, we won't fucking graduate.

And surprise surprise, it was a false alarm. WOW, WHAT A GREAT SENIOR PRANK!!!1!!11! Let's pull the fire alarm so the seniors have 20 minutes to do a 70+ question final, and don't have time to get their graduation eligibility forms signed! WHAT A STROKE OF FUCKING GENIUS!

As it turned out, the final was pretty easy, so we got it done with time to spare to go get our sheets signed. On the way out of school, I saw a police car pulling into the circle drive, which means our little genius is getting arrested.

I wonder if his parents will consider it part of the "prank"?

Tuesday, May 25, 2004


In my sidebar, I want to put a little scrolly box of names of people I can't stand... too bad I'm too lazy to find the code to do one scrolly box. Ah well. Either way, I want to have a list on here somewhere of people I can't stand. It seems appropriate. And now that I'll be out of school quick, I can call it "People Who Should Be Shot." Or not. I'm just jabbering now. I have to pee.

No, you stupid twat. No one wants to hear you sing.

Attention Certain People (Ali Neville and Hannah Beebe in particular):

I've put up with you for at least four years, and now that we're about to graduate, I can say whatever I want on the Intarweb without fear of getting sued by the school for pain and suffering. So, since you've obviously found this by Googling yourself looking for fan pages, read this:


You can't sing. You're tone fucking deaf. People tell you to shut the hell up and you don't stop. What the hell is wrong with you people? Are you unaware that there are people around you who don't want to hear your caterwauling? If anyone else was singing, you'd get pissed and tell them to shut up, and get pissed again when they tell you to cram it. What makes you so damn special? Nothing, that's what. Some of you are self-absorbed socially deficient morons, and others of you are self-absorbed socially proficient whores. It doesn't matter. You need to shut the hell up.

Ironically enough, I encourage you all to try out for the next American Idol. Not because I consider myself alone in seeing you as talentless twits, but because you need to be told by someone of stature (if that's an appropriate phrase to describe Simon Cowell) that you can not fucking sing. Not that it'll do any good, but I'll enjoy watching you get chewed out onstage and bitch offstage. Now THAT'S reality TV- as in, reality just fucked you in the ass and called you Betty.

Monday, May 24, 2004

Score one for the sanctity of marriage.

So I was doing my graduation announcements, and I was addressing Auntie Karen's and Uncle Bryan's envelope, and I asked Dad what their address was. It turns out that they've gotten a divorce, Uncle Bryan is no longer in the picture, and Auntie Karen isn't speaking to anyone in the family. Damn it all. They were fundies, too. Hard core. This was the guy who basically converted my sister before she even knew what was happening (for those of you who know the story). And my aunt got just as bad. And now, these right-wing anti-gay-marriage Bushies are getting a divorce because shit was getting too hard. At least that's my understanding of it, I know that they were in some bad times financially and had been getting in fights because of it. But really, was there any reason for my aunt to completely separate herself from the family? What does she think we'll do to her? If anything, none of us were too fond of Bryan in the first place. Not that I know of anyway.

In other news today, it seems I won't have to quit Center Stage... she's flexible enough with scheduling that I can have full availability at McD and just tell her when I can be in. Until Halloween season, anyway... that's when things get scary (no pun intended). It's a costume shop, and she needs everyone to work extra hours for the entire month. I'll be starting college in October. Boy, won't this be fun.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Hit whore, vol. 2.

111 hits. I don't know why I'm mentioning this, but 111 seems important.

Friday, May 21, 2004

More utter pointlessness, and I'm tired.

So here I sit in Computer Science class with nothing to do because I already finished my part of the program (spash screen and help form). I'm technically supposed to be documenting the other kids' code, but there's something screwy on the network and if you change something in the folder, it fucks up and no one else can use it. Hannah is going around looking for a "gofer" even though there's nothing to gofer in here. Sweet candy-coated Jesus. This class annoys the hell out of me. And I'm tired because I forgot to take my meds. I think maybe my sister's selling them on the street, because one day the bottle was half full, the next day I had four left. The end of the bottle always sneaks up on me. And my damn doctor isn't in the office until Wednesday (Concerta's a Schedule II controlled substance and she needs to authorize refills). So I'll be falling asleep all over the place until I get a refill, which probably won't be until Thursday. I get paid today, and I get new pants... they were on clearance for $25 or so, I'd have been an idiot not to get them. They're big black men's pants, with green trim and embroidered spiders crawling down the back of one leg. And I owe my mom $30 for bunny supplies, less the $5.75 I paid for Downy because we were out. I get to go to a lecture at Fermilab tonight with Colin and his sister. It's about alternate dimensions, string theory, and stuff like that, and afterwards we're going to go to Denny's and talk about how much our heads hurt. My stomach hurts right now. My art teacher's having a kind of cookout now, but I have to go to my classes and get info on senior finals. The burgers weren't ready 1st period when I was there, so I filled up on donut holes and coffee cake. I'm eating a cinnamon bagel from advisory now. It's got all this cinnamon-butter crusty stuff on it. I completely blew my Spanish presentation yesterday- it turns out I can't bullshit in another language. My sunburn itches, but I can't scratch it because sitting in class clawing at your head looks really gross. I put some moisturizer on my nose this morning so that isn't so bad. I have about half an hour left to kill. I wish I had more money. Not a lot more, just enough to be able to shop a little more than I can. I can hardly ever get new clothes without sending myself broke. I can't think of anything else to say.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

I am a hit whore.

I broke 100 hits today. And there was much rejoicing. (Yaaaaay.)

Sunday, May 16, 2004


So today some kid in the playplace went out the emergency exit, thusly setting off the alarm. Now, I've never heard an emergency-exit alarm, all I knew was that there was an alarm going off. Evaldas (manager) tosses me a key and says "Take care of that." Take care of WHAT? "Stick it in and turn it." That's what you do with ANY key, genius, I need to know which damn keyhole out of the dozens in the playplace it goes in. Thankfully, the lady in charge of the playplace showed me what to do, but why can't a God damn manager tell me how to do something or other when I don't even know what the hell's going on? And why can't people watch their damn kids?

I've gotten a second job- the job I wanted in the first place, at Center Stage, the job I applied for a month and a half ago and didn't hear back from until last week. I asked Violetta if I could take Saturdays off my availability so I could work at CS, and she said that she needs me to be available Saturdays. Here's the kicker: I am never, EVER scheduled to work Saturdays. Ever. So what's the big damn deal with taking it off my availability so I can work at a semi-enjoyable job? Christ on a cracker.

Monday, May 10, 2004

Shamanic weirdness

So I'm home sick from school today (I've lost my voice, I have a headache, and I'm sore like hell). Yesterday (when I got sick) was the first day in a while that I didn't wear my dagger pendant. I asked Dad if I could stay home today, and I still had no voice. After that I put my pendant on and asked him where he was going that day... and my voice was back almost 100%. Everything else was still sore, though.

A bit later I decided to perform a totemic bonding ritual in the basement to give thanks. It didn't work out so well... it was cold and there was too much noise to concentrate. So I had to cut it off. On the way upstairs my nose started running (snot was going clear down my face... allergies are so much fun) and I kept dropping everything (candles, book, incense, lighter...) that I had carried downstairs just fine. Guess the spirits are pissed at me for not finishing it. And my voice is gone again. RRrrrgh. Lesson learned.

Saturday, May 08, 2004


So I was reading The Fabric of the Cosmos at Denny's with Colin, and it was talking about string theory and about how there's another little spherical dimension at every point in spacetime where only Planck-sized things fit. I was confused about the whole thing until I was driving home... it occurred to me that the planet is like one of these dimensions in three-dimensional space: we are the Planck-sized things on it, and we have to give dimensional coordinates for where we are on the planet in addition to where we are in spacetime. THERE YOU GOOO!!!!! Understanding stuff is good.

Friday, May 07, 2004

"Not available" means "not available."

So I had a half day at school today, which means I woke up at 6 am to go to school for three hours, spending 17 minutes in each period. On top of that, I got a call as soon as I got home from work asking me to work lunch. Never mind that it's been understood from the beginning that I'm not available on Fridays, but it's PROM NIGHT and even though I'm not going to prom itself, I still have plans. I don't see how they couldn't have known it's prom night; there're a bunch of people from school working there. That's not even the point... I said on my app that I am NOT AVAILABLE ON FRIDAYS. And they still asked me. What did they expect? At least I had a decent excuse (no clean uniforms, and by the time I got them clean and pressed and all the lunch rush would be over), but still. Errrgghh.

And I might not be getting my Xbox today... after tax it'd cost about $180 for the special deal ("special edition" green console and Halo for half price), I have maybe $215 in the bank and I'm down to about 3/8 a tank of gas. Dad says he might cover part of it (the Xbox, not the gas) but he "has to think about it" which means by the time he makes a decision either way, the offer will be over. Damn it, I want an Xbox. T_T

Monday, May 03, 2004

*takes a deep breath*

Sorry kids, no rant today...


I don't really know what to say except that I feel the same way... I feel something for you that goes further and deeper than what I feel for anyone else. These past few months have been the happiest for me in recent memory. If I hadn't met you, I would have had no motivation to go out and get a job, and if I had gotten a job I would have hated it because I had nothing to spend the money on except gas and comic books. I actually look forward to going to work sometimes, because it means I'm getting closer to an Xbox and Halo (how romantic.). When people ask me what I did over the weekend, I can say something besides "sleep and dick around online" and that's kind of a big thing for me. Before you and I got together, I would rarely, if ever, go out with anyone. I can't stand 90% of the people at school (as evidenced by the rest of this blog), and 90% of them can't stand me. I don't fit in with anyone my age and I never have. I'm fundamentally different even from Shannon, but I feel that you and me might share something that no one else has... I keep thinking back to that roller-skating analogy in Microserfs.

I'll end on that note... I'm still too pissed from losing the entire original post... Session Expired, my ass.

(****Edit: Hey, I didn't lose the original after all. Sweet. The two are a bit different, so I'll keep them both up.)
This is not a rant, nothing extraordinarily dumb happened today (aside from Aubrey asking what city the White Sox are from, I am not making that up, but it doesn't really merit an entire entry).


I really don't know what to say, aside from the fact that I'm fairly sure I feel the same way. I say "fairly sure" because my previous experiences have (probably permanently) fucked up my idea of what an ideal relationship is, and I'm only starting to be able to push that away. I'm still not good at "heart-to-hearts" because "heart-to-hearts" before consisted of listening to Guy X yammer on about his shitty childhood. I'm entirely unused to talking to express myself and being unable to sit and think about what I want to say. So here I am, my mom's telling me that the laundry needs to be folded, and I'm going to go do that before I get yelled at.
Done. Okay then... where was I? Hm... well, blogging that as opposed to your other options was entirely understandable... it was quarter to one AM so you couldn't call me, and blogging is more detached than email and less uncomfortable for these things, I guess... which would be why I'm typing this here instead of IMing it to you. The point of all this is, I know I feel something more for you than I do for anyone else, and every day I look forward to whatever contact I might have with you that day, however small. These past few months have been the best I've had in some time, and for the first time I actually feel like a senior in high school instead of a God damn hermit. Hanging out with you was probably the only incentive I had to go out and get a job besides my car. I can tolerate going to work because I know that it will enable me to get more money to spend on plates of fries and an Xbox. I actually have some hope now of being closer to normal and/or happy than I ever thought possible. When people ask me what I did over the weekend, I can say something other than "sleep," and that's kind of a big thing for me. I've been able to walk around even on my worst days knowing that there's at least one person on the planet who finds me at least semi-attractive. I look at the retard stoners in my school, but I know that not all men are idiots. It's a strange sort of freedom... not unlike the roller-skating analogy in Microserfs.

I'll end this on that note... see you on Wednesday hopefully ^_^

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Check this the fuck out.

Make your own stun gun! With only a disposable camera and some common household objects!

New feature, beetches!

I'm posting my current Gaia avatar in the sidebar now... because you can never have too much crap in your sidebar. It'll change as my av changes. Booyah.

Boy, am I bored.

Responsibility, what's that?

Good Gord, I'm turning into my mother. I'll elaborate.

As previously stated, I am employed at McDonald's. There are a few managers-in-training working there, most of whom are pretty cool. The only problem is, they tend to act like God damn fifth graders at the worst times. During the dinner rush on Friday, they were pushing each other around in front of the bags, thus keeping everyone else from bagging food and getting customers out of line. I wasn't even supposed to be assembling, but as long as they were fucking around NOTHING was getting done and I had no choice. I haven't even been trained as an assembler/runner yet. It was all I could do not to tell them, "This whole operation would run much more efficiently if you two would STOP FUCKING AROUND." We were backed up like a cheap sewer, and they were pushing each other around in front of the fry vats. Argh. Too bad that guy didn't fall in. The guy annoys me (I can't remember his name).

Sorry about the lack of postage... I only had school for two days last week, and they were fairly tolerable.