Friday, December 31, 2004

EPIC FUCKING DREAM. (it's boring at first, but it gets better)

This is a dream I had while I was napping in the car on the way home.
We (most of my family, me, and Colin) were staying in a hotel the night before my first day back at school. There was a book shop in the hotel, and my mom and grandma kept buying me those big Disney books I had when I was a kid. I returned them for something like Best American Short Stories. I kept looking around for my uniform. That night I was sharing a bed with Colin, and he suddenly pushed me out of the bed. I looked up and he was humping the bed. I woke him up, but my parents heard him and thought we were having sex. They told us that we couldn't go out anymore and that they didn't like Colin's hair. We argued and pleaded, but they wouldn't change their minds. Colin went into the bathroom and came out with his head shaved. He handed me his hair and walked out. Then my parents said they'd changed their minds and that we could go out.

I went back to school the next day, sans uniform (apparently I'd remembered that I don't wear a uniform to school.). We got our grades for the previous quarter- I got an X- in English (yes, X-), C- in Design, and A in Drawing. I got my schedule, and got about seven pages, only one of which had my schedule on it. I tried to go to my first class, only instead of the L trains (elevated trains- sort of an above-ground subway for those of you who don't live in Chicago), I took a Phantom from Halo 2. Joni Mitchell was on it, only it wasn't her, it was this chick Cathy from Denny's (who looks kind of like a goth Janis Joplin). She had a pet cheetah and cheetah cubs, all of which could talk. Suddenly a bunch of gaping, flaming holes opened up in the floor of the ship. I saved Joni and one cheetah cub by putting them in my shoes and wearing my shoes backwards. I then piloted the Phantom back to the hangar, and got another one with no holes in it.

I went back to the school to tell my teacher that I wouldn't be in class because I was saving Joni Mitchell. I couldn't get a hold of him, so I just went. I released Joni and the cub out of my shoes into the ship, and started to take them home. After a bit I realized there were other people in the ship- there was a girl and two boys, all about my age. One of the guys was really hot in an indie kind of way, and he started doing a striptease. He took off his pants and showed us that he had cow print tattooed on his cock. We all hung out for a while, and I tried to kiss the hot guy. He pulled away, and I told him that my boyfriend doesn't think anything above the waist is cheating, so he let me. I tried to kiss the girl, only she had a Swedish Fish stuck to her lips so I kissed that instead.

We docked the ship somewhere, and went to go wander around the city. Some guy tried to kidnap Joni. After we hung out for awhile, I took everyone where they needed to go and I went home with my mom. In the car, I realized that I had not gone to a single class.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Rollin'^3 - Picture Edition

Here's the pic of our car in the junkyard:

That's me framed in the not-there window (I'm squinting, I'm not that weird-looking usually). The back hatch window is stuck open. That's the rearview mirror dangling by its wires. The windshield is smashed, and the frame of the car above the driver door is crushed in because that's the side that hit the ground first.

Crappy, eh?

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Copied from Harmonic Analysis. Seemed like a good thing to do. **Song lyrics added**

1. What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before?
Been in a serious relationship lasting longer than a month, been in a car accident, said "I love you" to someone not Shannon and meant it, realized how fucked up a lot of my views are, went to college, took the train, went to the city by myself, actively tried to work religion into my daily life, had two jobs at once, actually hung out with coworkers outside of work, went to an actual party, had a weblog, drank enough alcohol to get buzzed, went to a horse race, and actually had a social life.
2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't remember what last year's were. This year I resolve to stop procrastinating and focus more on spritual things.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
No, but I found out that a girl I worked with at Hallmark and had a class with had a baby a couple months ago.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
Great-Grandma... or was that last year? I forgot.
5. What countries did you visit?
6. What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004?
My own place.
7. What date from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
The first day of school, because it was the first time I'd ever gone to the city by myself and actually had to fend for myself.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Staying drug-free... hey, with the company I keep, that's a big accomplishment.
9. What was your biggest failure?
Procrastinating so much.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Nothing not chronic (that being ADD).
11. What was the best thing you bought?
I didn't have enough money to buy anything besides a few articles of clothing T_T
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
No one's behavior has been particularly out of the ordinary.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Besides my own, my little sister's. I don't want to know how she's going to react to the real world. I mean, when we play video games, any time I beat her she starts bitching about how I was "cheating" and "it's not fair." When she wins, she makes excuses like "it's only because _______." Also, Colin's sometimes, but he knows and we won't go into that.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Going to college, getting a job I enjoyed, and finally having a social life.
16. What song will always remind you of 2004?
"Walk" by Pantera. RIP Dimebag.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
Happier or sadder: About the same.
Older or wiser: Of course I'm older than I was at this time last year. XP
Thinner or fatter: Fatter by about 15-20 pounds. >.>;
Richer or poorer: Poorer.
18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Talking to Colin.
19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Talking in general (not to Colin), making an ass out of myself, putting shit off.
20. How will you be spending Christmas?
At my maternal grandparents' new house in Idaho, wishing I could have more than a surreptitious spoonful of daiquiri, because they're damn tasty.
21. How will you be spending New Years Eve?
Hopefully with friends, if not then either in the car on the way home or at home sulking.
22. Did you fall in love in 2004?
Sure did.
23. How many one-night stands?
Zero- I can't see myself doing that.
24. What was your favorite TV program?
Forensic Files on Court TV.
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
I can't remember if I hated Cheryl Kastle quite so much as I do now.
26. What was the best book you read?
Fast Food Nation or Lies my Teacher Told Me.
27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
KMFDM, bebbeh.
28. What did you want and get?
A tablet for the computer, a boyfriend, and an Xbox.
29. What did you want and not get?
Seeing Acid Steve happy without me, and sane parents.
30. What was your favorite film(s) of this year?
Mystic River (or was that last year?), Hero, Saved!, Shaun of the Dead, LotR 3.
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 18, and Colin took me to a lecture on gravitational waves after dinner at Olive Garden.
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Money and my own place.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004?
More goth, but at the same time more colorful. I've gotten a lot of compliments on my style.
34. What kept you sane?
Meditation, music, Gaia, sleep.
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Meh... if any, Johnny Depp.
36. What political issue stirred you the most?
Same as anyone... the election. I live in a patently blue state, so I didn't bother voting.
37. Who did (do) you miss?
Still miss Acid Steve sometimes. Not in a way that I'd dump Colin for him, I just want to hear from him once in a while and know he's happy and doing well (assuming he's still alive).
38. Who were the best new person/people you met?
Colin, Lord Master Carlson, Frank, Ben, Justin, Cin & Leeny, John.
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004:
I'm not telling. Some would find it hurtful in a way I would not find entertaining.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
I got a whole damn song.

"Oblivious" by Orgy

Make up your mind

You couldn't make me
Any more crazy
Than I could stand to be
So won't you just sympathize with me
And all the things I do to make you angry with me
What's wrong with me today
You say I leave you all alone
Every time you call me
As if you needed reason to fall down
I know this must be hard for you to understand
And all this waiting takes too long for me

Make up your mind

You don't even know what's good for you
You better keep your eyes on me
Maybe you're oblivious inside
And it's scary that you don't know
Your chances fade away
Fade away sometimes
Maybe you're oblivious inside
No you can't deny me
And I don't want to see you go away...


I just realized I've broken 1,000 posts. Go me. ::self congratulates and gloats::

Rollin', rollin', rollin' D:

So, for reasons best known to himself, Dad thought it'd be a brilliant idea to drive to Idaho (grandparents live there now) by way of South Dakota and Montana in the middle of December. Needless to say, it was rather windy and snowy- "rather" meaning "70 mph winds and roads covered in snow and black ice." We were between Sturgis and Rapid City, SD when one of these 70 mph gusts hit us while we were on a patch of ice.

Guess where our Explorer went?

Into the median.

We fishtailed six or seven times after the wind hit- I was asleep at the time and woke up to Mom swearing her head off and the car swerving all over. Brynne dove on top of me (she'd been sleeping on top of the luggage in the back), and let me say this: Calvin and Hobbes was correct in that "GRUNTCH" is exactly the sound a car makes when it rolls into a ditch. We only rolled once and ended up right-side-up, but one of the back windows was blown out and those winds were now blowing into the car.

The good thing about hicks (the kind of people who live in Rapid City and Sturgis) is that they're nice- there were five or six people by the car within five minutes, asking if we were okay and recovering the things that had fallen out of the car on its way off the road. Cops were called, and we were soon sitting in the back of a squad car (which is NOT a comfortable place to be in the first place, let alone with half our luggage in there with us.). One of the tow-truck guys got his friend to bring his truck to give us a ride to the hotel while the Explorer was hauled there with us so we could get the rest of our crap out of it. Or at least most of it- Dad forgot the Xbox, OHNOES!!!11! Other than that, we got all our stuff out of it and prepared to spend the night in what I call a "hooker drop"- the kind of hotel you'd end up in with a cheap whore. You couldn't shower for three minutes before the water was up to your ankles. And all the take-out places were closed, except for McDonald's, so we had that for the third time that day.

The next day, we called Enterprise (the best car-rental service around) only to find out that they don't do one-ways. We ended up going with Avis, and they presented us with a 2003/4 GMC Envoy to finish the trip. We took that to Aces High Towing to get the dregs of our stuff out of the Explorer- including the Xbox, which the owners had saved from a night of being snowed on. We salvaged our candy from the seat pockets and Mom got her I-Pass and garage door opener from the glove box, took a pic (I'll post that here after we get home) and were back on our way.

(And yes, we were all fine; the worst injury among us was the cut on Dad's nose. Which is all the more remarkable considering that he was the only one wearing a seatbelt.)

We were almost through Montana when tragedy nearly struck us again. It was snowing pretty hard, and we were on one of those curvy mountain Coyote-and-Roadrunner type roads, when a semi passed us and threw up so much snow that our view was completely whited out. I mean, WHITED OUT. We couldn't see a damn thing. If it wasn't for the rumble strip at the shoulder, we would have gone off the road. We ended up stopping in Bozeman instead of Butte, which we were going to stop in instead of Missoula. (Missoula, incidentally, is a VERY nice little town; I just might want to retire there when I'm old and gray.)

The drive between Bozeman and Grandma's (Lewiston, ID- just across the border from Spokane) was beautiful- those of you whom I told that Idaho has nothing but potatoes, I apologize for lying. It was all mountainy and snowy, with a river running along I-12 almost the whole way. Apparently, part of I-12 is the same route that Lewis and Clark followed, and it's so unspoiled that it's probably just as it was when they first saw it. Too bad you can smell Lewiston before you can see it- there's a paper mill there that you can smell for MILES. But still, it's nice here.

I forgot to wear my string of garnets on the Winter Solstice D:

And hello to Colin, I miss you and love you XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

Thursday, December 16, 2004

I am so dead. :gonks:

So, what's the ONE THING at school that I REALLY shouldn't put off, but I did put off to the point of almost not getting it done at all?

That's right, kids. Finals.

I didn't even fucking START the rough draft for my final research essay until 10pm the night before it was due, and managed to squeeze out 1 1/2 paragraphs before passing out. (What's really entertaining are the comments I got on those 1.5 paragraphs during the peer proofing session: "You always sound so authoritative and intelligent! Anyone would take your side in any argument!" Ironic that my paper is on cults. I accidentally typed "cunts" there, haha.) I started the "final" draft at about 5pm yesterday, and finished it at 5am this morning. (Yes, I slept.) On the train to class I remembered all this stuff that I forgot to put in, only it was TOO LATE NOW, OHNOES. And then upon getting to class I found out that she did indeed give us a length requirement- 8 pages. Mine's about 4.


I'm typing this before Design class, immediately after finishing the final for that class. Thank God the final for drawing was done in class- that's one less thing I have to worry about.

New Year's Resolution- STOP FUCKING AROUND.

The sad thing is, I actually enjoy researching stuff and writing a big paper about it, unlike most people. I just enjoy Soul Calibur more.

I hope the break (today's the last day of school) helps me to recalibrate and get my shit right. I can't afford to do this all through college.

At least I'm done with Fundamentals of Drawing... was that ever a waste of my time. I swear, if he fails me on the final I will shoot myself before I'll go through that again. NRRGGHH. We had a sub yesterday, and the class went by so much faster, everyone was in a better mood, and everyone got more work done. The regular teacher just puts everyone in a bad place psychologically. He's too overbearing. I took every drawing class I could in high school, and I know that drawing does not have to be so fucking tedious.

I hate these keyboards. They're tiny. I'm done now, my hands are cramping up.