Sunday, February 27, 2005


About five minutes ago, they gave the Visual Effects Oscar to the Spiderman 2 team. While I was watching the preview things, with Doc Ock's arms in wireframe and the L train and skyscrapers without their textures, I thought about the programs that they used to do that stuff (Maya or 3D Studio Max, I believe), and it hit me:

I could be standing on that stage someday.

If I can't get into character design or storyboarding for movies or video games, my other choice would be special effects for said movies. If I get high up enough and the movies I work on get popular enough, I could have a fucking Oscar sitting on my mantle someday, and I might get one of those damn $10,000 goodie bags to boot.

Holy crap, mans.

Monday, February 21, 2005

The main reason I elected NOT to go into Graphic Design...

... is that aside from having to come up with 100+ ideas for one damn thing, I'd have to make ads featuring fucktaculously* stupid slogans.

The ad campaigns for McDonald's Chicken Selects have always been more than a little odd ("Gold medal taste," anyone?) but this new one takes the bloody biscuit. All over the inside of the store, the word "believe" is used in one form or another.

On the cash register: "sauces to believe in."
On a cardboard standee of some big-haired devil woman holding a strip and attempting to smile but succeeding only in looking constipated: "now i'm a believer."
On a crewroom poster: "my customers have reason to believe."
On a card thingie on each of the tables: "Here a chickenthusiast made a discovery."

DEAR GOD. This is second only to X-Treme Petz (stuffed animals made to look all hardcore-like- screws through their tongues, "super x-treme powers", punk clothes, etc) for the all-time ultimate clueless attempt to cash in on youth culture. (It gets into the youth category because it does not deign to capitalize words that should be.) How the hell is anyone supposed to take this? The only reason we did any more business than usual was because we were giving out the selects FREE with a FREE SAUCE (remember, otherwise we charge 15 cents for them!). And even though the promotion ended at 2pm yesterday, they still kept the signs up so we still had people wanting the free shit.

Advertising folks, try not to be too fuckin' stupid, okay? There's this thing called a focus group- a group of people of the demographic you're trying to target, and they tell you what they think. Had this ad campaign been focus-grouped, I doubt it would have made it out of the room. What inspired people to buy stuff 20 years ago no longer works. The 18-24 group has been filled to exploding with "believe in ____" shit, and no one wants to hear it anymore. Especially if you're being asked to "believe in" a fucking chicken strip and the sauce. Throw that shit away; no one wants to hear it, read it, or see it.

*This promotion was so dumb it merited the invention of a new word: fucktaculous.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

...This is MY problem now?

The other night, my sister's friend joined us for Japanese food at Yamado. Dad poked a little fun at her ineptitude at writing Japanese (she scribbled out about every other character she wrote), and she EXPLODED. She sat there and bitched for a good five or ten minutes, all "let's see you do better" and "you always make fun of me when I have friends over" and such. Later that night, I was on the computer and Dad came up to me and told me to tell her that "her outburst at dinner was so shockingly unacceptable that if she ever does it again, the punishment will be so swift and severe that it will take her breath away."

Me: "Why don't YOU tell her?"

Dad: "Because she'll just yell at me. She won't listen."

Me: "You think she'll listen to ME? I can't get her to bring me empty hangers from her closet so I can hang her clothes."

So apparently, my parents' raising Brynne to consider herself autonomous from the rest of the family is MY problem to deal with now. Apparently they see no need to rectify the situation of her unwillingness to listen to them and to stop fucking mouthing off so much. I wasn't the greatest kid at her age (15) but I'll be damned if I was so disrespectful. She hasn't done her chores in over a year and a half, and who picks up her slack? ME. She got enough birthday money to buy herself a fucking iPod when they still cost $400, and when I ask for one for my birthday (I've gotten new computers and tablets in years past, now that iPods are down to $200 or so it's not that much to ask), I get laughed at and told that Brynne bought hers herself. (Come to think of it, I don't even think that's true- I'm pretty sure she only paid half.) Brynne has nothing that she has to spend her money on. I have a car that I work two jobs AND do all my chores to support, on top of going to school. I should take money away from funds for those expenses to buy myself something I obviously can't afford on my own because Brynne spent her money on one instead of on clothes or more Utena shit? "These are decisions you'll have to make in the real world." In the real world I won't be spending forty hours a week working for free and twenty hours working for hourly pay to be able to afford the privilege of paying $60,000 to maybe get a $25,000/yr job in four or five years.

Meanwhile, Brynne gets money for doing jack shit except living another year, doesn't pull her weight around the house, mouths off to anyone who won't let her do what she wants, and I AM BEING HELD TO THIS EXAMPLE? I am expected to be able to buy things because she can? I am unable to buy the things she does, and apparently I don't deserve to be able to because I have less money?

I suppose that's a fair approximation of the economy after all.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Major oh-shit.

Up until now I've never really cared if someone I mentioned on here found my blog- google doesn't search the content, only the title (if you type the name of someone mentioned here, Google won't list this blog- it will only list it if you search the phrase "down with dumb."). Even if they did, I always thought it would be nothing short of hilarious if they read my rants about them and got all pissed. So, I don't bother with initials or pseudonyms.

So last night on the news there was some bit on a woman who bitched about her job in her blog and got fired for it. And she didn't even name names. I mean, I hate working at McDonald's, but I need the job. (Especially since I lost about three hours out of this pay period to a misscheduled dentist appointment.) And someone else in the same situation. And someone else.

These people were in office jobs, but I'm a completely disposable crew member at a fast food restaurant notorious for maintaining high turnover. I've been there for almost a year now.

I can't help but think that the reason they got caught was because they were updating at work and got caught that way, but it never said how they got caught, just that they did and got fired. Reminds me of the kid a couple years back who made a site about how much he hated his school- he never once worked on it or mentioned it at school, but they found it and expelled him. Too bad Committee to Protect Bloggers only covers Middle Eastern bloggers talking about their government.

Oh well. We'll see what happens. *shrug*

Those to whom this is directed will never see it, but oh well.

Attention bums:
1) Braying "HELLLOOOOO DAARRRLING" does not improve your chances of a handout. A witty cardboard sign does. I have yet to see one of those... where are the bums with "Ninjas killed my family- need money for kung fu lessons" signs?

2) If you want someone to give you money, a college is not the place to be. Chances are pretty good that you have more money in your styrofoam cup than I've got in my checking account.

3) If you absolutely must hang around in hallways, please refrain from sticking your feet out in the middle of it. I've lost count of how many bums I've nearly tripped over.

4) If I say I have no money, leave me alone regardless of whether or not it's true.

5) Stop hitting on me.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The rules of logic still apply to you after you have kids.

I am 18 years old, and I am "grounded" until I can cough up $120.

Before now, I paid my insurance by never getting an allowance for the chores I do around the house, and paying the $40 extra that my $20/week allowance didn't cover. This month, my parents decided that from now on, I have to pay all the insurance at once.

Because we drove to the grandparents in Idaho, spending six days on the road and five days there because my parents thought driving was a good idea, I only worked for the first half of December. Center Stage was closed the first week of January. I started working at McD the third week of January. Bottom line is, due to all this I have not received a single paycheck over $80 yet this month. I usually get about $135 every other week from Center Stage, which is more than enough. But now, my parents say that if I can't pay them $120 now, then I'm not making enough money. They failed to come up with any suggestions as to how I might go about making more, and were unmoved by the fact that because I went along on their trip, I gave up about $270 that I could have made had I stayed home. They don't care that I'm using twice as much gas for my car now that I go to school twice as many days a week and have two jobs now to drive to and from. I bet I'll be expected to cover the gas my sister uses (she has her permit now, heaven help us all).

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I am not your burger-whore.

In the movie 9 1/2 Weeks, there's a scene where the guy is throwing dollar bills on the floor, telling Kim Basinger to crawl towards him and pick them up. He throws them on the floor, bill by bill, with this little smile on his face.

Attention certain people: Please stop paying for your food in this manner. Not only does this pointless exercise in forced superiority waste time (why give the money one bill at a time when you can hand them all over at once? Morons.), it's FUCKING RUDE. I know Playboy just issued "Women of McDonald's" (either they've issued it or it's in the works), but I am not a fucking stripper over here. I've even had people throw their change at me. Not really throw, just this little underhand toss with a fog-thick air of condescension. It's usually about one bill a second, all singles. *fwip*..... *fwip*..... *fwip*.... They don't even set it on the counter, they flick their wrists and toss it at me, like they throw toys for their dogs to fetch. And mostly only men do it, gross middle-aged men like the one who came to Center Stage with his wife and kids and every time I walked past him, he licked his lips and stared at my tits. This was back in October, I don't know WHY I didn't tell his wife. "Excuse me. I'm 18 years old, you might even have a daughter my age yourself, and your 50something husband keeps fucking slobbering on my tits. Please tell him to fuck off before I tell him with a seam ripper."

And you know, not all of us behind counters are that far beneath you. How many of you rich Naperville hags ever worked two jobs while going to school in hopes of maybe actually, oh I don't know, getting a REAL JOB someday? Kids come in here all the time saying they want to work here. I just WISH some bitch would tell her kids that I'm working her because I'm probably a high school dropout (that happened to a guy I know) so I can say, "Actually, not only did I graduate from high school, I'm working another job on top of this one and waking up at 4 AM four days a week to go to college in Chicago so someday I won't have to deal with bitches like you who feel entitled to be rude to me just because I have to work these two jobs just to afford the car to drive to them, and you're a rich skank who never worked a day in her God damn life and you're too damn lazy to even keep your ugly-ass kids in line. No food for you. NEXT!"

In a post a while back, I mentioned the scaling back of the employee meals. They've just been shrunk even more:

-No Deluxe Big Breakfasts
-No Double Quarter-Pounders with Cheese
-No 10-piece nuggets
-No trading out items in meals (which means I can't have a biscuit instead of a hashbrown for breakfast) except fries or hashbrowns for apples
-No drinks larger than a small (16 oz.) (and we can't have refills)
-No hot chocolate

You can tell they're only letting us have the salads and apples because if they didn't, then it WOULD be their fault for making us fat. I'm up to 130 pounds now- more than I've ever weighed EVER. And I hardly eat on school days because shit's too expensive in Chicago, and when I get home I have to do my chores and homework and go to bed. No time for food. And I gained so much weight that my work pants don't fit any more, so I told them that THREE FUCKING WEEKS AGO and they STILL haven't even ordered them yet.

It's good to know we're so appreciated by the company. We make all their money, spend seven hours standing in one place with no break because we got our breaks an hour and a half into our nine-hour shift, and the only thing we're going to have to eat for the next seven God damn hours can't be any bigger than a Big Breakfast (biscuit, sausage patty, palm-sized splotch of scrambled eggs, hash brown. WAY less than you think.)? While the company is losing money and they're losing one CEO after another to heart disease and colon cancer, they get all the money they want even though the company would be just fine without them. People credited the CEO for the new "i'm lovin' it" shitheap of an advertising campaign. No, morons, that's the marketing and advertising people who are responsible for that, assuming it was even people in the company and not some consultant. Board members are marginally necessary at best. Globalization my ass, you can't even have nationalization if you're unwilling to pay the cooks enough to live on. If you're going to cut my employee meals, then start fucking paying me a decent wage so I can afford to buy lunch elsewhere.

When are these suits going to realize that while the removal of skills from the job prevents us from unionizing and has made us disposable pawns, WE STILL PAY THEIR FUCKING SALARIES and whether they like that or not they still have to recognize that. McDonald's won an award for its uniforms (the white short sleeve shirt with a tie, tucked into waist-high pants, topped off with a canvas visor? Ohyes, there's no better combination to exude sheer professionalism.), which were designed by people who will never have to wear them. The meal and break policies (we get one half-hour break PER SEVEN-AND-A-HALF HOURS, which gives them the right to give you a break an hour and a half into a nine-hour shift. Who cares if the person has to stand there with nothing to eat for seven damn hours?) were designed by people who will never be subject to them. The time targets (90 seconds from the time a drive-thru order is placed to the time they drive out, for example) are tested in a "restaurant" where no one ever changes their order after they've paid for it, no one lets their kids spend ten minutes deciding what to eat at the counter, and everyone knows exactly what they want and never asks any questions. Sure, you have to work in a restaurant to get a job at HQ- for a minimum of one week. If they never worked in a restaurant before, they work for a week in the pretend restaurant and go on with making up bullshit rules to govern thousands of people they'll never meet and thousands of conditions they know nothing about.

Time targets are complete bullshit and they make the customer experience worse, not better. If I'm running for front counter, I should be the only person to push the button taking an order off the screen to let the computer know that order's done. What happens is some manager pushes the button as soon as the order's paid for. If it's busy, this means I have NO FUCKING CLUE who gets what food, because there are fifteen people waiting for food but the screen says there aren't any orders waiting. I have to take one article of food from the HLZ, look at each of the five receipts on the counter, and try to determine who gets what and that's assuming the cashier actually put the receipt on the counter- sometimes they just ram it into their pocket or give it to the customer. If there aren't any receipts to be had, I have to walk around hollering "Which order has a double cheeseburger?" and all the customers think I'm a fucking moron. Even better is when the cashiers don't get rid of receipts for completed orders- just leave them on the counter. I ask if they still need this food, the response I get is "... I don't know." Sometimes they don't put in whether the order's for here or to go- they just always hit "for here" and when I come to the counter with an armload of food they say "You need a bag, it's to go" like I'm supposed to infer this from the "for here" on the receipt and the screen. And the customer thinks I'm an idiot again, because they said "to go" but don't know that the cashier's too dumb to put it in the order.

And that's only on my side of the kitchen. Lorena once took a basked of fries out of the fryer FIFTY SECONDS EARLY just to meet a time target. No word on whether the fries were any good. She also yells at the person taking the money in drive-thru, even though for all she knows the money-taker is waiting for some old lady count out eleven bucks of change. Who gives a fuck about the food quality or the fact that the customers can hear your loud ass yelling "COME ON COME ON!!!!!11!!" clear outside the store, as long as times are good?

This is the credo of 21st Century McDonald's:
We don't care about the actual customer experience, as long as the computers say it was great.
We don't care about the well-being of our employees, as long as we can continue to give them the bare minimum compensation for their efforts.
We will attempt to create a modern image with fake hip-hop music and white breakdancers, but we will not allow employees to have the tattoos, multiple piercings, or "unnatural" hair that the people in the commercials have.
We will claim to celebrate diversity, but no one but Indians will be allowed to have nose piercings.
We don't care about how the general public's opinion of fast-food jobs reflects on the industry as a whole, as long as the unskilled nature of the job keeps turnover high and wages low.
We don't care about the fact that charging 15 cents for nugget sauce is going to cost us customers, as long as the customers we have will pay for barbecue sauce for their fries when they can have ketchup for free.
Matter of fact, we don't even care about the public's opinion of the food and the company, as long as we can cheat employees (either directly by cutting employee meals, or indirectly by cutting wages) and customers out of a good meal.